Kid Safe Ages for Essential Oil Usage
When you are parents to small children, their safety is your top concern. While essential oils are natural, they are still chemicals and need to be treated as such. Follow this chart to ensure proper usage of your essential oils around your kids. This applies to all essential oils, regardless of the company providing them.
This chart shows the latest recommendations by Tisserand for safe essential oil usage in infants and children. This is for both topical use at the listed dilutions and diffusion unless marked otherwise.
3+ months (0.2% topical = 1-2 drops per oz)
- Lavender
- Roman Chamomile
6+ months (0.5% topical = 3-5 drops per oz)
- Cedarwood
- Scotch Pine
- Sweet Orange
- Tangerine
- Tea Tree
2+ years (1% topical= 10 drops per oz)
- Bergamot
- California Lemon
- Clary Sage
- Frankincense
- Geranium
- Ginger
- Lime
- Marjoram
- Patchouli
- Pink Grapefruit
- Spearmint
- Vetiver
- Bedtime Blend
- Bliss Blend
- Citrus Breeze Blend
- Content Blend
- Focus Blend
- Oasis Blend
- Paradise Blend
3+ years (1% topical= 10 drops per oz)
- Eucalyptus (not near face)
- Peppermint (not near face- 0.5% dilution ages 3-6)
- Bugs Away Blend
5+ years (1% topical= 10 drops per oz)
- Cinnamon Leaf
- Clove Bud
- Lemongrass
- Rosemary
- Ylang Ylang
- Chill Blend
- Ignite Blend
- Resist Blend
- Revive Blend
- Warm Spice Blend
6+ years (2% topical= 20 drops per oz)
- Oregano
- Open Air Blend
- Subdue Blend
12+ years (2% topical= 20 drops per oz)
- Alleviate Blend
Not for Use on Children of any age: Birch